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Run Away To The Circus! ~ Promotional Products
Event: Get Away Day - Papakowhai

Attendees: 27 technicians and management team members

Objective: Ericsson's aim for this two day event was to get each individual to focus on customer service on all levels.

Implementation: a half-day structured session on day two, tailored to flow on from the morning's activities and finish with a strong lead-in to the final session of the getaway. The whole group was split up into teams of five or six people (pre-arranged by the managers) and had to work out the correct order for the juggling instruction given to them. Then each team had to appoint a spokesperson to deliver their results and accept the next task.

Results: the competitive spirit certainly came out in this session - those telecommunications people take their fun seriously. A lot of shouting, berating, and conspiratorial whispering created a lively atmosphere, and the juggling lesson itself gave everyone a chance to display their physical abilities after their mental skills had been stretched.
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