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Event: Team Building Session - Wellington

Attendees: 32 people from various departments

Objective: to support an internal incentive programme and create a stronger 'team' atmosphere within the organization through the experience of juggling. Each attendee was given a fully customized Thud Juggling Kit as a thank-you gift at the end of the day.

Implementation: a half-day training seminar

Topics Covered:
- the 3 basic elements of being a team player
- the mechanics of three-ball juggling
- co-operative learning in pairs
- problem solving for the terminally bewildered

Results: the whole team had great fun throughout the learning process, with one attendee screaming out loud that she had "done it' over and over again. Much laughter generated, and once the session was over they kept me answering questions and showing them juggling  tricks for a further hour and a half. Client feedback from the session revealed that the group were much more communicative, and some had even been seen swapping juggling moves during smoko!
Another Client
© Richard Horne 2002
Po Box 14-307, Wellington, New Zealand
Phone: 04.475 5432 ~ Mobile: 021.261.7279 ~ Email