Event: Sales Training Day - Auckland
Attendees: 18 company sales representatives
Objective: start the day with an ice-breaker session, energize the group with movement and humour, and focus the sales team on more open thinking towards their roles in the company.
Implementation: a one-hour session first thing in the morning, to catch the team on the back foot, and it worked a treat! They never saw THIS coming, and everyone enjoyed the process so much, they wanted to keep the balls we supplied and practice for the rest of the day. Much chaos and disappointment after the session was over and they had to get back to work.
Client Comments: "We thoroughly enjoyed your teaching and I, personally, have found juggling addictive! I have encouraged the team to continue their practice and have used the 'principles' of juggling in team sessions since. Thank you for your time and energy"
Claire Ebbett - Senior Sales Manager