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What can throwing a boomerang possibly have to do with business? Well, as we've discovered, the two are not quite as far apart as you might think. Our latest team building session offers your group the unlikely combination of a Scotsman teaching you how to throw that great Australian icon, the boomerang. What can it all mean?

What it means for your team is an entertaining session that you just can't find anywhere else, with a whole range of serious content underlying the concept of throwing a boomerang:

- how to succeed without 'trying'
- fighting your fear of failure
- the art of letting go
- conventional thinking
- the power of one
- group problem solving
- the team and the flyer
The format for this session is dictated by basic logistics - a maximum group size of eight people keeps the rhythm fast and fun. However, as a single group session takes only 30 to 40 minutes, planning a series of sessions throughout one day allows us to cater for groups of 50 or more in a single day.
Through learning the skill elements of throwing (and catching!) a boomerang, your group, team, or conference delegates will develop a better understanding of the learning process, and how they cope with challenge under pressure.  Through the highly interactive device of boomerang flying, they will experience a paradigm shift which is fundamental and far-reaching. Apart from all that, they'll also have a huge amount of fun!!
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The Presenter
Hold Your Fire!
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© Richard Horne 2002
Po Box 14-307, Wellington, New Zealand
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