After studying business at Napier University in Edinburgh, I was quickly introduced to the full horrors of business management in the licensed trade - I ran pubs for a hospitality company for over two years. Following that came several years of itinerant travelling before settling into a 'real' job again. Five years experience in transport management in the south of England led to terminal boredom which prompted an unusual career change. It was from this change that I discovered the power of juggling as an unorthodox training device which generates extraordinary results in business and professional arenas.
I've had the privilege of training hundreds of people in the UK and New Zealand for a wide range of companies and organisations spanning all types of industry.
Many companies have viewed my work initially as being purely for entertainment and a little light relief. However, all of them have been astonished to discover how much they actually learn from my approach, and the scope of the benefits they get from it.